Halifax needs to be better prepared for climate change. My goal is to focus on doing just that!
First, HRM, as Atlantic Canada’s largest city, is facing rising sea levels and coastal erosion.
Second, HRM needs to work on improving the recycling of waste from construction.
Lastly, I would work to see the establishment of retrofit programs for existing residential and commercial buildings.
Climate Action
HRM, as Atlantic Canada’s largest city, is facing the challenges of rising sea levels and coastal erosion. Past municipal reports indicate that certain downtown areas
Peninsula South Complete Streets Announcement!
Update August 30, 2024 on the Complete Streets Project: The Active Transportation Committee approved with no alterations to the staff proposal. The project will now
Green HRM
Ensure ‘green financing’ is at the core of municipal funding to further diversify HRM’s economy.
Climate-Ready HRM
Motion that HRM use heat and drought-tolerant plants along with complex plant communities that are essential in an urban environment in a warming climate on
Save Halifax Harbour
Enter in negotiations with the Provincial and Federal governments to protect the coastal line of Halifax Harbour from coastal erosion.
Cool HRM
Any new greenspaces must be designed to have cooling microclimates. Additionally, green spaces are powerful tools to mitigate heat in cities.