I will ACTION that for the betterment of the Halifax Common the following should be done:
1) Create legislation (e.g. Halifax Common Protection Act) to ensure common land is not sold, no more building, revert to open space if the site is no longer used for a public building purpose (e.g. restoration of the South Common now the Victoria General parking lot), ensure the Common remains as public land.
2) Appoint Halifax Common Board of Trustees to act as stewards with representation from all Common stakeholders (Lancers, Bowling, Cricket, Public Gardens, and The Friends of the Halifax Common) along with some citizens at large. Once the board is established it could oversee policies pertaining to the Common for its protection from private and political interests.
3) Conservation and green strategy – The Common could be designated as a Cultural Heritage Landscape, (CHL) similar to wilderness and coastline protection.
4) Conduct plebiscites at the time of an election to involve citizens in decision-making on big issues (e.g. Wanderers Block, stadium, hospital builds, etc.)
5) Preserve and enhance open-space character of the Halifax Common. Enact regulations for adjacent properties to The Common which enable setbacks, and a Heritage Impact Assessment be completed with all building proposals as stated in the Halifax Common Master Plan: Conservation Strategy.