Peninsula South Complete Streets Announcement!

Update August 30, 2024 on the Complete Streets Project:
The Active Transportation Committee approved with no alterations to the staff proposal. The project will now go to City Council for approval in September.

Breaking News:

On Thursday, August 29, 2024, the Active Transportation Committee will be approving the next phase of the Peninsula South Complete Streets Project for implementing bike lanes in Halifax South Downtown. This will impact Morris St, University Ave, Robie St, South St. Seymour St. and Carteret St. This project has been in planning since 2019 and HRM is seeking to approve the next phase to the 35% project completion stage. This would then lead to selecting the design and construction of the bike lane.

Since 2019, I have been advocating for improvements to the original plan, which involved cutting down hundreds of mature trees throughout the South End for bike lanes. Many residents felt this was counterintuitive to combating climate change. I am not against bike lanes; HRM needs a safe integrated bike system. The urban forest needs to be protected to ensure biodiversity. HRM needs an improved active transportation network, but it should not come at the expense of mature trees. My advocacy with my neighbours has resulted in significant changes from the original proposal. My leadership in this campaign helped galvanize my neighbours and bring media attention to our efforts, giving a voice to all concerned residents in District 7. It is clear we need to once again speak up as a community so that the least impactful options are selected. (Save the trees campaign video)

Given the current homeless situation on University Avenue, it is important to consider what will happen to these individuals. What plans are in place to provide them with the necessary housing and medical care they require and deserve?

Public Action: Please join me in writing to the Active Transportation Committee to share your thoughts and concerns and ensure that this project meets the needs of HRM residents.


  • Peninsula Complete Streets Project estimated cost before tax is $14.9 million
  • dozens of trees will be cut down
  • project objective is to complete the connector routes for bike lanes in Halifax South Downtown District 7
  • the hope of this project is to result in improving cyclist safety and encourage cycling for all ages
  • the risk noted by HRM staff report: “This section identifies safety and maintenance risks and how they are being managed. These include:
    Overall risk to vulnerable road users. This is being managed by having protected bike lanes, intersection treatments and design that accommodates vulnerable road users.
    There is a risk to the resilience of the roadway network due to the conversion of Morris Street to one-way. Reduced capacity for west-bound traffic more cars on area local and collector streets is anticipated.”
  • staff report “Traffic analyses concluded that there is sufficient capacity along alternate routes in the vicinity of Morris Street to allow for its conversion to one-way eastbound operation. The analysis assumed the transit-only pilot project on Spring Garden Road would be in place, restricting access for private vehicles between South Park Street and Queen Street from 7am to 8pm every day, which further limits vehicle circulation options. With both of these changes in place, the surrounding road network was still shown to operate at or above target levels of service for intersections within the Regional Centre.”
  • staff report- RECOMMENDATION
    It is recommended that the Transportation Standing Committee recommend that Regional Council:
    1. Approve the installation of bicycle facilities and related changes on University Avenue from
    LeMarchant Street to South Park Street as described in the Discussion section of this report.
    2. Subject to the approval of Recommendation 1 above, approve the use of the Peninsula South
    Streetscape Design Guidelines as a guide for the implementation of the public realm improvements
    along University Avenue.
    3. Approve the installation of bicycle facilities and related changes on Morris Street from South Park
    Street to Lower Water Street, including conversion of Morris Street to one-way eastbound for motor
    vehicle traffic, as described in the Discussion section of this report.
    4. Approve the installation of bicycle facilities and other related changes to Seymour Street (University
    Avenue to South Street), South Street (Seymour Street to Cartaret Street), Cartaret Street, and
    Oakland Road (Robie Street to Beaufort Avenue) as described in the Discussion section of this
  • find the report and more information on Peninsula Complete Streets Project


sign from 2022 Tree Campaign
