Point Pleasant Park Walk – Know Your Park

Thank you to all for attending the tour. A special thanks to Andy Fillmore for attending together we can make a difference for Point Pleasant Park.
Join me for a walk in Point Pleasant Park to learn more about the park’s history, governance, and future. The walk will take place on Sunday, August 11, 2024, at 2 PM, starting at the Tower Road entrance.
I look forward to seeing you there!
William Breckenridge
902 441 9065
P.S. Thank you to all those who signed my petition supporting housing for the homeless and caring about Point Pleasant Park that Councillor Lovelace tabled on Tuesday at Council.
Our hard work is paying off. Although HRM Council narrowly turned down the motion about the park, Andy Fillmore, MP, has sent a letter to the federal government to use their power as the landowners to intervene and override Council’s decision. We will see if the feds have the backbone to do the right thing and uphold the land lease that has been in place since the late 1800s! See video of Andy.